Sunday, November 21, 2010

When do I get a break?

   I am in the hospital again, it's been almost a week now. Same old story...clotted catheter and infected site. They are actually doing things that make sense this time and giving me blood thinners in hopes that I won't keep clotting off my lines.
   The most frustrating thing though? I'm likely to be in here a good long while because of pre-transplant testing. So, we had to figure out a long term solution for the kids. Rob has to work, and I obviously can't watch them while I'm in the hospital. We wound up hiring someone, a young woman with 2 of her own kids and we thought everything was going to be just fine. Instead, she sends me a text message (not even the courtesy of a phone call) to tell me she has surgery tomorrow morning. Now, I know she's ill and all that. However, I seriously doubt that she has surgery tomorrow. Or at least that she didn't know she did before accepting this assignment. First, it's a Sunday. No doctor in the world bothers with scheduling someone for Sunday unless they have been admitted.
   SO, now we are stuck bringing the kids to their Godmothers, which we have to walk to because we have no car uphill and over 3 miles to get to, then the 6 miles to work and repeat on the way home. We don't possess a car right now and I do not have a license and my DH's is suspended. I am lost and bewildered as to how someone could f847ing do this. What happened to responsibility?

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