Monday, November 15, 2010

I am so frusterated I could scream

   It's hard enough being a stay at home Mom. Lots of things fall to you exclusively. I'm not bitching,,I Live being at home with my babies. however, I do wish I could sometimes maybe get some where people have said they were. Now, I am not speaking of my Roommate T who has been an absolute wonder when it comes to making sure we have what we need time wise, and also house wise. He's put in countless hours watching the kids so that I can go to dialysis. What I am complaining about is EVERYONE ELSE who has said "Oh sure, you can count on me..just email, FB mail call whatever" and when when I do...when I have Aleksey's Child Development Unit appointment..which I waited 3 stinking months to be able to schedule...No one has called me back. No one has written. Nothing. This appointment is somewhere I can't eve get to by eve if I prevailed upon my awesome roommate (which is the last thing I want to do right now, He's done so much already) I couldn't get there.

   Unlike most others I know, we don't have any family out here to help out. We don't have the money to invest in a referenced babysitter (even if my kitchen was fully working..I won't have a stranger come into my home for anything until that's done) and day-care is out of the question until the state gets their collective thumbs outta their rears so I can get a childcare waiver so I can MAYBE do the doctors appointments necessary for my transplant without having to bring both kids with me.

   I feel so damned alone sometimes when it comes to this, I have my husband working his tail end off to make sure we have the money for what we need, and I'm working my tail off to see the kids taken care of and the house taken care of. I don't have a clone although I wish I did and it seems like the promises of friends isn't worth shit.

1 comment:

  1. Awee darling I wish I were some how closer to help you not feel so damned alone :( I know the feeling in some ways in real life. I wish there was more I could do.
