Monday, January 31, 2011

Medical Update

I got a lot of great news! First of all the medical stuff:

I got a phone call from my transplant coordinator and we set up my final tests to finish my profile to give to the transplant team.

My Sister in soul- Ng got a call from my Transplant coordinator as well. I don't know what it entailed, I didn't think to ask, but the fact that she got a call back means I am that much closer to being done with all this!

Now for school: I currently have a 4.0 and perfect attendance. I am also one of the class leaders it seems. I guess there is something to be said for being immensely reliable. I am planning the schools Criminal Justice social for late this spring/early summer and planning on joining the Criminal justice club and becoming a tutor.

Yes, I am doing a whole hell of a lot, but just let me say this: After so many many months of being completely inactive, this feels really good. I'm being productive and working towards a career which is something I've never had.

I've been immensely lucky while all this has been going on, I feel really good. I'm on overnight dialysis now, and it's working better than I ever had any right to think it would. It's easier on my body and I sleep fairly well while I'm there.

I hope to be updating more often than I have been, but life being what it is, I can't promise that right now.

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